Considering the growing influence of digital media on feminist and other progressive movements and vice-versa, No2ta, in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), ABAAD, Open Society Foundation (OSF) and HIVOS, is planning to organize the first regional feminist digital media forum. The forum will bring together representatives of progressive online platforms, feminist activists and journalists, representatives of online feminist or progressive initiatives, and representatives from the digital industry to discuss the ways in which digital media can be leveraged to create positive change.
This forum is a three-day event that features engaging panel discussions, how-to workshops, and a closed one-day meeting through which we aim to start a regional dialogue with feminists and other progressive actors on advancing feminist digital media and pave the way to create a network of progressive and feminist actors who can better organize and influence the narratives around feminist and social justice issues in the region. Participants will be able to engage with like-minded individuals while also learning more about how to make their feminist content and messaging more intersectional, relatable, and engaging.

In the dynamic era of digital media, a lot of feminist campaigns have emerged with a powerful online presence. Some campaigns have been instrumental in driving shifts in social and cultural behavior, while others managed to push for policy changes. On the other hand, some campaigns led to significant backlash and were accused of harming or diluting feminist causes rather than promoting them.
This panel aims to explore the factors that shape a successful feminist campaign and will look at the importance of balancing between the qualitative and quantitative results without compromising credibility, values, and messaging. It explore limitations, challenges, and successes of online feminist campaigning efforts across the region and will offer tips on navigating obstacles posed by societal norms, digital constraints, and individual behavior.
Speakers And Moderator:

Amidst the vibrant collection of feminist content, we witness a captivating interplay of diversity and dynamism in the feminist approaches and tactics that are dynamic and representative of the creator’s positioning strategy. From humor to provocation, feminist actors are creating unapologetic content that encourages critical thinking and reflection on gender inequality and patriarchal norms.
In this panel, speakers will highlight the different feminist approaches and strategies that emerged in today’s digital landscape, each unique in addressing feminist issues and will explore the multifaceted nature of feminist content and the various ways to deliver it.
The discussion will tap into the best practices to follow to better address the different target segments we are talking to, such as the informed audiences (activists, for instance), women, young girls, the public, policymakers, and more. It will explore the most effective approaches and tone of voice that resonate with each specific audience, ensuring that the feminist message is communicated in a way that is relatable, impactful, and inclusive.
Speakers And Moderator:

Sowt, which translates to “voice” in Arabic, is an Arabic-language independent podcasting network based in Amman, Jordan. It was launched in 2017 by Hazem Zureiqat, Tarek Zureiqat, and Ramsey Tesdell. Sowt curates and produces podcasts on issues of political, social, and cultural nature.
Feminist podcasts have been on the rise in recent years because of the growing interest in feminist perspectives and the desire for a platform to discuss issues affecting women and marginalized communities. These feminist podcasts tackle a wide range of topics related to gender equality, women’s rights, gender-based violence, workplace inequality, sexual health, reproductive rights, intersectionality, body positivity, and many others. Other progressive podcasts increasingly featured feminist voices to better analyze issues. With that said, we will provide a how-to workshop on the best ways to create (feminist) podcasts for content creators to leverage this medium further.
Facilitator /Trainer: Haneen Saleh

When creating feminist content that tackles sensitive issues like honor killing, rape, gender-based violence or even socio-political crises, it’s crucial to use language that is carefully crafted and delicately phrased to ensure our messages are not compromised and that we are achieving gender-transformative change through the language we use. Intersectional feminist language is a vital tool that can dismantle stereotypes and showcase oppression and inequalities. Therefore, this how-to workshop will focus on how content creators can better apply gender-transformative and intersectional feminist language in their work.
Facilitator /Trainer: Reem Bin Rajab

Content creators and feminist digital media initiatives often face financial barriers and limited resources. This panel seeks to discuss (1) the critical issue of financial hurdles faced by feminist content creators and digital media platforms, such as limited access to traditional funding sources, unequal opportunities, and gender biases. And (2) the impact of funding constraints on content quality, visibility, and sustainability.
The panelists will also discuss and suggest alternative funding models, grant programs, and crowdfunding platforms specifically tailored to support feminist initiatives, and explore opportunities for collaboration between feminist content creators, digital media platforms, and funding organizations to leverage resources.
Speakers And Moderator: