• Beirut, Lebanon


The Arab Feminist Forum for Digital Content, SHIFة is dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all participants. To ensure a positive and productive experience for everyone, we expect all participants to adhere to the following Code of Conduct:

  • Be respectful: Treat all forum participants, moderators, and administrators with respect. Avoid any form of harassment, discrimination, or offensive language. Be open to diverse opinions and engage in constructive discussions.
  • No Hate Speech or discrimination: Hate speech, including that which targets individuals based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic, will not be tolerated.
  • Avoid personal attacks: Disagreements maًy occur, but personal attacks, insults, or any form of aggressive behavior towards others are not acceptable. Focus on addressing ideas and arguments rather than attacking individuals.
  • Stay on topic: Keep discussions relevant to the forum’s theme and purpose. Off-topic posts may be removed or moved to an appropriate section.
  • Respect privacy: Do not share private or sensitive information about other members without their explicit consent.
  • Report inappropriate content and behavior: If you come across any content or behavior that violates this Code of Conduct or seems inappropriate, promptly report it to the forum moderators or administrators.
  • Please imply to the instructions provided by moderators and speakers. The forum moderators and administrators have the authority to take appropriate action based on their judgment. All decisions are made in the interest of maintaining a positive and respectful community during the forum days.

Central to the values of the forum is ensuring the safety, respect, and dignity of all participants. Thus, the Code of Conduct committee has the authority to take appropriate actions in response to concerns raised against any party associated with the forum. Such actions may include dropping sessions, canceling talks, banning attendees or staff, terminating collaborations, or physically or virtually removing a party from the forum space. The flagged concerns encompass various unacceptable behaviors, such as violent or intimidating conduct, discriminatory comments, harassment (both verbal and physical), engagement in misinformation or defamation, promotion of state or non-state actors involved in human rights violations or war crimes, and any other inappropriate actions mentioned above.


We strongly condemn any form of discrimination based on factors like race, color, gender identity and expression, sexuality, religion, age, class, nationality, ethnicity, disability, medical condition, physical appearance, body size, refugee and displacement status, nationalist ideologies, or language. We expect all participants to refrain from engaging in conduct that unjustly favors or discriminates against specific individuals or interests.


We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where no participant faces exclusion, denial of benefits, or discrimination in any of the forum’s activities. Hence, harassment in any form, be it physical, verbal, sexual, intellectual, or other forms, whether in-person or online, is strictly prohibited. Any behavior that creates a hostile or harmful environment is unacceptable.

Reporting mechanism

Our forum has a straightforward reporting mechanism in place. If any participant experiences or witnesses inappropriate behavior, harassment, or violations of our Code of Conduct, they can immediately report the incident to event staff or moderators. We take all reports seriously and will address them promptly and confidentially. You can approach any event organizer or use the designated reporting channels to share your concerns. Your feedback is essential in helping us maintain a positive experience for everyone attending our event.

Handling complaints 

Complaints are taken seriously and handled with utmost care. Participants can submit complaints through an online form or directly to event staff. Each complaint will be thoroughly investigated, respecting the privacy of all parties involved. Prompt action will be taken based on the nature and severity of the complaint, including mediation, warning, or appropriate disciplinary measures. We strive to ensure a safe and inclusive environment, and complaints play a crucial role in continuously improving our events. Rest assured, all complaints will be treated with confidentiality and addressed with fairness and respect for all individuals involved.